AdClickXpress (ACX) currently become the top 4000 websites in Alexa ranking. Everyone who join ACX today have the best chance to earn stable income everyday. This tutorial will help you step by step on how to make money with ACX.
Last Update of AdClickXpress on Sep-2015
- Recent days, the daily members join ACX has reached 2000 members per day. The Alexa rank is increasing and after 1 week was promoted to 5232, is about to reach the top ACX 4000 is the most visited website in the world.
- The payout level of Pack 6% was maintained and no sign will be increased to 7% in the near future. This week the Limit withdrawals occur some days, you can try again at another time. ACX often pay 2 times per day in the morning and evening, so you should choose the best time to place withdrawal request. The withdrawal request usually on day, but sometimes within 24-48h.
- Important note : Pack of 6% only applies to new fund only. So who are reinvest by funds in balance will not be calculated. You will have to withdraw first then deposit back again as new fund to be applied.
Overview of AdClickXpress
- Forerunner of AdClickXpress is ProfitClicking, the predecessor of the ProfitClicking is JustBeenPaid. Other words, AdClickXpress is JustBeenPaid after upgrading and improvement.
- The operational model is no different between AdClickXpress and JustBeenPaid, but all the terms have changed.
- AdClickXpress includes 2 systems : “Ad System” and “Media System”
Ad Package and Media Package
- “Ad Package” : is the investment program called “JSS TRIPLER” from JustBeenPaid previous.
- “Media Package” is similar, but there are many more improvements.
Earn with Media Package
- Media Package is the program to sell advertising packages combine profitable investment, free to join and free to upgrade
- Depending on the package that every day you have to watch the ads corresponding to receive “daily profit (sale commisions Daily)
- Payment method : SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, OKPAY, PayToo
- Minimum withdrawal amount is $5, payable within 24-48 hours
- $5 / package, the first cycle is 88 days package.
- [Earn 2% / package / day from Monday to Friday] [1% / package / day on Saturday and Sun] up to 150%.
- Example, if you buy one package, you are entitled to 2% x $5.0 = $0.1 / day from Mon to Fri, Sat and Sun is 1% x $5 = $0.05
=> After 88 days package package gives you $7.5 – $5.0 = $2.5 profit.
- If you buy 100 package ($500), you are entitled to 2% x $500 = $10.0 / day from Mon to Fri, Sat and Sun is 1% x $500 = $5.0
=> After 88 days package package gives you $750 – $500 = $250 profit.
- Every day, you can continue to reinvest in order to increase the number of package. The more packages then your income is increasing daily.
The Media Package Commission
Note: You do not need to upgrade if only participate TK “Media Package”. You still receive commission from the two programs and regular withdrawals. ACX has changed following the commission rule:
- Earn $ 0.5 / package when your referal level 1 buy the package with new FUND
- Earn $ 0.25 / package when your referal level 2 buy the package with new FUND
- Earn $ 0.25 / package when your referal level 1 reinvest the package with their Balance FUND (Not new FUND)
- Earn $ 0.125 / package when your referal level 2 reinvest the package with their Balance FUND (Not new FUND)
Earn with Ad Package
It also similar to the “Media Package”, but Ad Package still has some differences
- $ 10 / Ad Pack, max payout of 150% = 15 $
- Min payout: $ 10
- Earn 2% on weekdays from Monday to Friday
- Earn 1% on Saturday and Sunday
Payment proof from AdClickXpress
After all informations in this tutorial, you can start to try by click here.