How to use GoDaddy WordPress Hosting

Tutorial How To Use Godaddy Hosting

Recently GoDaddy has offered the Managed WordPress Hosting to Users. This is the hosting package is specially optimized of  WordPress Code.

How to use GoDaddy WordPress Hosting

How to use GoDaddy Managed WordPress Hosting

– After registering and accessing in My Account page, in MANAGED WORDPRESS you will see an available NEW ACCOUNT, press the button Manage to proceed with the configuration. If you don’t know how to register, you can see this instruction.

How to use GoDaddy WordPress Hosting

– In the next page, you will find 2 choices: Create a new WordPress site or Use the old WordPress site. Now it’s automatically scrolling function – unstable Migrate Your Existing WordPress Site and you should not choose this function.

Press Create a New WordPress Site to continue

How to use GoDaddy WordPress Hosting

If you have had a website and you want to use this WordPress Hosting here, let’s refer the article How to upload site on WordPress Managed Hosting from GoDaddy.

– If you want to use the domain at GoDaddy’s account, you can choose that domain in button Select a domain from your account, or you want to use domain from other suppliers, enter domain in Enter a domain or subdomain. Pay attention you have to click domain to the respective IP.

In this article I choose subdomain

How to use GoDaddy WordPress Hosting

The primary domain of  WordPress Hosting from GoDaddy is changed comfortably, it has been used with all primary domain from the other suppliers.

In Choose a Data Center section, you can choose datacenter, which close with your Visitors. In Viet Nam, choose North America.

WordPress details, you should fill in the information about administrative account including:  username, email and password, press Finish to install.

–Waiting for 1 minute, that the installation will be completed. Finally,  you can be got the message as following:

How to use GoDaddy WordPress Hosting

Be note this line Update your A record, you need click the domain about this IP.

Waiting till the domain got new IP, press the button Log In, configuration interface of website will be appeared, press Continue.

How to use GoDaddy WordPress Hosting

Next,  declare some informations about  Website: type of website, activities, title, description. Please enter correctly, in next step GoDaddy will suggest some respective Theme for you.

How to use GoDaddy WordPress Hosting

Then, it gets some information to contact:

How to use GoDaddy WordPress Hosting

Due to the information, which you have declared, GoDaddy will offer the number of suitable Themes for you. I choose Storefront because it looks so pretty.

How to use GoDaddy WordPress Hosting

Demo interface will appear immediately. Press the button < > until you choose your most Theme and press the button Select.

GoDaddy will install the Theme automatically, the content and the example page, plugin for you.

Just waiting for a few seconds, the installation is completed and your new website will appear:

How to use GoDaddy WordPress Hosting

Now this is the part you must do, use the available tools in the left of the column to set up colors, images, menu…as you need.

In using, if you do not like you can change theme comfortably, it gets thousand of free interfaces in menu Appearance of Or you can use theme, which you code yourself, theme from the other appliers. GoDaddy do not have limit at all.

Plugin is similar, you can install comfortably. However, you should pay attention to the list of Plugin must not be used of GoDaddy. This minimize the security issues and optimize the system better.


Whether you have just been new with WordPress or you have used for a long time, GoDaddy Managed WordPress Hosting is both suitable

  • If you are not good at technic but the process to get a website in this time is so easily, only some clicks and you will get a new Website.
  • If you are familiar with WordPress, it is no problem with the securities, optimize; install firewall, anti-DDoS hosting. GoDaddy has run out already.

Through I got Trial, I fought the speed when I used the website of GoDaddy Managed WordPress Hosting so good, some plugins with a lot of resources still work fine. Especially uptime reach almost 100%, it is rarely inaccessible.

The limit from Managed WordPress Hosting is the entire operation must be implemented in page WP Admin of WordPress, without Panel or Control Panel to use. However, you want to edit, manage file better, you should install plugin File Manager.

Generally, only 160k/year you can have both hosting and domain from the most famous supplier in the World – GoDaddy. That’s so awesome!


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